Dealing with Negative Co-Workers


Negative Nelly
Negative Nelly teaches at my school
She thinks that being negative is cool
She warns of bad students, bad adults, and bad things
Each day, it’s a song of doom that she sings
She’s managed to acquire a very small following
Of other naysayers intent on wallowing
In gossip and pettiness and bitterness and complaints
All who will listen, Nelly gladly taints
So do not listen, and do not follow
In anything negative, do not wallow
Just be the most optimistic teacher you know
And down Nelly’s path, you’ll never go.

Whitaker & Breaux The Ten-Minute Inservice

You may have never yet encountered this type of teacher, but some day you might.

Some questions

  • Have you ever known a negative person? Just get that person in mind.
  • How do you feel around that person?
  • How do others feel around that person?
  • Have you ever known a negative teacher? Maybe you were taught by a negative teacher when you were in school?
  • How was that teacher viewed by you and others?
  • Did you or others try to avoid that teacher?
  • Was that teacher a little intimidating?
  • What kind of influence do you think a Negative Nelly (or Nelson) would have on a school or on students?

Most Teachers tend to avoid these negative people.  Worse yet, some even engage in negative conversations with that person.  It’s not necessarily that they enjoy it, but many don’t know what else to do.  Below are some tips on “removing their fuse”…they may know what you are doing when you try these techniques…but that’s a good thing, right?

  • The next time Nelly or Nelson speaks unkindly about a student, simply say, “I love that student.” Even if you’ve never met that student, say, “I love that student.” They will have no comeback for that, and you will have made a very powerful, positive statement about how you feel about students.
  • For teachers new to the school, Nelly is a magnet.  They love warning of the bad students they will be teaching.  When they do, there’s a trick to defusing them.  Simply say, “Thank you so much for telling me about these students.  These kinds of students are the reason I became a teacher.  You obviously must care a lot about them to have taken time out of your busy schedule to come and speak with me about them.  I’m so glad they’ll be in my classroom.  They obviously need caring teachers such as you and me.  I’ll keep you posted on their progress.”
  • If Nelson ever approaches you offering any type of gossip, you can always say, “I’d love to chat, but I’m in a rush.  See you later.”  And then leave.  Gossip is hot.  They’ll quickly feel the need to find another listening ear.  But if you’re all using this technique, their gossip will never travel!
  • When Nelly speaks unkindly about a parent, say, “Whenever I think about the fact that not all parents rear their children as we wish they did, I quickly remind myself of how lucky some students are to spend so many hours with positive people like us at school each day.”


The bottom line is that Nelson or Nelly continue their negativism because someone is enabling them.  There is no place for Negative Nelly or Nelson in a school setting.  Our work is too important!

Happy for your feedback though no names should be mentioned.  The work above comes from the book mentioned under the poem.  I don’t believe we have this person at our school but it is always important to remember and in your career you may be unfortunate to come across this person.  They can be personally damaging and I know from experience that they can make your day unbearable…you can lose your way and why you chose this brilliant profession.  I would not want this to happen to any of you as your job is hard enough.  I would encourage you to be a positive force in your school community and for your students.  Some of them come here just to see your smile and hear your words of encouragement.

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